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 TATLER readers - Do come in, darlings!



Let's hear it for  SEDNA, aka 2003 VB12, the 'tenth planet'.

What sign is Sedna in?  Smack in the middle of Taurus. 

Where is Sedna now? 18 degrees of Taurus.

2003 VB12 's official discovery date is 14 November 2003 at Palomar, California, natch. SEDNA was almost exactly at 18 degrees of Taurus. This frosty, faraway freelancer is still hanging around the 17th and 18th degrees of Taurus...and will do for quite some time...she's a slow poke.  

How did we find what zodiac sign SEDNA was in, so fast? The same way we've always leapt to calculate the zodiac positions of the exoplanets. 

It's cool! It's quick! It's easy!   Here's how you do it: 

For more commentary
by an astrology original 
Buy the book, click here!

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The First Exoplanets Hit Human Eyeballs

Allo, allo? What’s this? MORE NEW PLANETS? 

Signs on the Road (Mercury Retro tables, too)





But first 
the bi
ggest news astrology's had in 5000 years: 



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The New Planets:    Exoplanets!       


NEW PLANET "NEXT DOOR"   (Updated 03 July, 2005 ) Click above.


This article first appeared on the Internet on 22 February 1996 on

Zane Stein's website.

Find him by clicking here


New planets and/or planetlike companions have been discovered orbiting the following stars:

22 degrees PISCES 50' 55''  Now known to be 24 Pisces 16' 47"
(First Discovery)
Latitude 25 N 05' 49"
27 degrees LEO 58' 55"   Now known to be 29 Leo 04' 32"
Latitude 30 N 33' 48"
13 degrees LIBRA 37' 05"  Now known to be 14 Libra 58' 14"
Latitude 21 N 14' 34"

Zodiacal Positions: 1 January 2000

Zane Stein obtained positions for the new solar systems from astronomy sources on the Internet. Right Ascension positions are here converted to Celestial Longitude

(zodiac positions) courtesy of Rique Pottenger and Maritha Pottenger at Astro Communications Services in San Diego.

Pop these new solar systems into horoscopes as you would any planet. Unlike our near planets, these far-aways will not move from these positions during a human lifespan. You may, however, note transits, progressions, solar arcs directions, tight angles, etc. to these points. Let us hear your observations!

Our solar system is no longer the whole ball o' wax. A "new worlds" order approaches.

Keep staring into space!

Zane Stein and I will be publishing more information of these phenomena shortly.

Debbi Kempton-Smith New York

What the Gang at the Galactic Garage Are Saying...

Ordo Novum Seculorum...Talk about the New World Order! Got us three new solar systems in the shop here in just as many months, Danny boy, see how they glow!

Nuthin' near the like ever happened to Earth folk before, seems we were always

the only solar system around this town--only one we ever needed, if you ask me!--

and suddenly BANG! we got us a THANG hummin' and buzzin' over by the gate there,

and we gotta DEAL with it, like it or not, and from what I been hearin', some of these astrologers don't like it one little bit.

Some good ol' astrology boys been sayin' these new planets and solar systems out there are too far away to do anything much to earth people's horoscopes. But didn't them wild and crazy physics fellers find that the 'weak force' is the glue of the universe, and that the farther away a thing is, the stronger its effect? Ain't Pluto the pit bull of our solar system, meaner than a junkyard dog and father away from our sweet Earth than Hell itself?

I confess, my friends, I hardly know what to think about this new mess astrologers are going to have to handle now and worse to come: other solar systems! New planets! More comets! To think we astrologers used to be so back-woords-bigoted we wouldn't even study comets, until that sneaky maverick, Chiron, showed up in November '77. We didn't know it was a comet back in them days, figured it was a small planet, or somethin', an asteroid way off its path maybe. Zane Stein and Al Morrison launched a worldwide research and info pooling project to find out fast what Chiron might mean in horoscopes and in global events. And study it to death we did, finding it linked with healing, pregnancy, the Human Genome project, you name it, Zane Stein can tell you all about that. By the time in 1990 astronomers found out Chiron was a comet, a mere dirty snowball, astrologers had to confront a collective bias against studying anything outside the established old order.

Now comes Uranus hitting Aquarius (January '96) and Pluto entering Sagittarius (November '95) and astrology is forced to expand, observe, research, rethink, and adjust to this new, unsettling, foreign data.

If horoscopes are 'frozen snapshots' of our solar system at a particular moment, and the art and language of astrology are based on the shape of our solar system, shall future horoscopes include symbols for other, faraway solar systems?

28 August 1996

Will horoscopes of the future go to three dimensions and be read spherically, holographic images, like 3-D chess? Already we note parallels, declinations, parans.

Will horoscopes fifty , a hundred, 300 years from now be Earth centred , Sun centred, Areocentric, centred round something else?

Will we keep the zodiac and our home solar system as our smaller 'picture frame',

enclosed in a larger picture frame? And what should that larger picture frame be?

How much longer will astrology to continue to base itself on the present zodiac, the 'circle of animals' traced by the apparent path of the Sun along the plane of the ecliptic? Even with computers, it will take years to collect observations and to form theoretical and working models of these new phenomena.

Brilliant scientific discoveries are about to rush in on us, forcing us to adapt to and to acknowledge that our solar system is a dear , though suddenly picayune, enclave in a much larger neighbourhood.

An interesting theoretical model may come from examining the Galactic Plane, the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy in which we live. For now, until we have a grasp of where we fit in say, the plane of the Local Group of galaxies, the Milky Way galaxy may give astrologers a larger picture frame with which to work, thus adding a third dimension, the missing z-axis, to the horoscopes of the future. Astrologers will need plenty more room and new grids in which to plop in the huge coming influx of newly discovered distant planets, solar systems and other bodies in our home galaxy.

More solar systems have been discovered recently. Watch this space! Astronomers and astrologers, let us hear from you!



Copyright 1996 Debbi Kempton-Smith Islamorada


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(from The Astronomical Companion by Guy Ottewell, used with permission)

For more information about Guy Ottewell publications, contact: 

Universal Workshop
P.O. Box 426
Middleburg, VA 20118-0426
telephone: 540-338-8996
or 888-432-2264
fax: (to be announced)

or click here

Author e-mail: Guy@universalworkshop.com

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